Regulations Mandating The Installation Of Seismic Gas Shutoff Valves
Jurisdiction Year Ordinance Summary
Contra Costa County, CA 2000 Ord. #2000-11 (Mar. 21, 2000) Affects new buildings and substantial remodels.
Hercules, CA 2001 Ord. #9-2.09 (July 1, 2001) Affects new buildings and substantial remodels.
Los Angeles, CA 1995, 1998, & 2002 Ord. #170641 (Sep. 1, 1995);
Ord. #171874 (Feb. 5, 1998);
Ord. #174478 (Mar. 1, 2002)
Affects new buildings, remodels over $10,000, and ownership transfers upon close of escrow; plus all buildings for which the fuel gas piping system is altered or extended and the gas meter is altered or replaced.
Marin County, CA 2001 Ord. #3322 (May 1, 2001) Affects new buildings, substantial remodels, and buildings with expanded gas service.
Martinez, CA 1999 Ord. #1269 (Dec. 1, 1999) Affects new buildings and substantial remodels.
Richmond, CA 2000 Ord. #32-00 (Oct. 10, 2000) Affects new buildings and substantial remodels.
Santa Monica, CA 2008 SMMC #8.32.070 Affects new buildings, remodels over $10,000, and ownership transfers.
West Hollywood, CA 2001 Ord. #01-592 (Feb. 15, 2001) Affects new buildings, substantial remodels, and ownership transfers.
Newcastle, WA 1995 & 1998 Ord. 77 § 7 & Ord. 98-170 § 8 Affects all buildings with new or expanded gas service.
Sammamish, WA 1999 Ord. 099-15 (Aug. 31, 1999) Affects all buildings with new or expanded gas service.
