The earliest known earthquake detectors, called seismoscopes,
were invented in China in the second century. The earliest
designs could indicate an event had occurred and the direction
of shaking; later designs also recorded the time [1].
Earthquake recorders, called seismometers, were not invented
until 155 years ago. Seismometers, also called seismographs
or accelerographs, record the time history of acceleration.
Early designs recorded their data on smoked glass, smoked
paper, rotating drums, film, or tape. Modern designs record
data--generated by a set of three mutually orthogonal sensors
called a triaxial accelerometer--digitally on solid-state
memory. Seismometers called central recorders are capable
of recording data from up to 15 accelerometers; an array of
central recorders can handle any number of accelerometers.
Seismic switches, also called seismic triggers, which utilize
seismic energy to actuate useful functions, were not invented
until this century. With the advent of digital technology, users
can now select the precise "g" forces at which they want their
switches to trip. Today, seismic instruments are used to monitor
or actuate a wide variety of functions and structures, including:
fuel gases, toxic gases, pipelines, highrises, elevators, railways,
bridges, dams, and nuclear-power plants. Several region-wide
networks practice real-time seismology, whose goal is to provide
immediate information on the magnitude, location, and time of
each earthquake to their subscribers, who include emergency-management
agencies, utilities, railways, and large corporations. This
information enables these entities to make quick decisions on
the optimal deployment of limited resources, helping to protect
lives and property, and minimize business interruption.
Fuel gases
Seismic gas shutoff valves (SGSVs), designed to turn off
gas service automatically in case of a strong earthquake,
might be the first practical application of seismic triggers.
The Magnitude 6.3, 1933 Long Beach earthquake--which generated
the first accelerograph record for a local earthquake--caused
fires at seven schools, prompting California to include in
the Field Act a requirement that new schools be equipped with
a SGSV. Because contemporary designs were overly sensitive
to aseismic vibrations, school districts requested the requirement
to be dropped after the Magnitude 7.7, 1952 Kern County earthquake,
which tripped 68 (about 10%) of the Los Angeles School District
SGSVs [2].
In 1981, a national standard for SGSVs was completed, and
was adopted almost verbatim by California. In 1985, the U.
S. Army Corps of Engineers began requiring a SGSV on all essential
military facilities in seismic zones 3 or 4. In 1987, California
began requiring SGSVs to be certified by its State Architect.
In 1990, the General Service Administration mandated SGSVs
on all federal office buildings in Region IX. In 1992, the
American Society of Civil Engineers established a Standards
Committee to rewrite the national standard. A prestandard
should be available for public review this spring. California
intends to use the new national standard, which might be completed
this year, to replace its current standard.
SGSVs performed well during the Magnitude 6.7, 1994 Northridge
earthquake [3]. Fortunately, numerous gas fires and
explosions were averted because most residents were home to
turn off their gas manually. However, Southern California
Gas Company found a gas leak in the house line at 19.3% of
the 841 structures where it was requested to reset a SGSV.
The Los Angeles Fire Department expressed concern that if
the earthquake had occurred during business hours, some of
the 17,000 reported gas leaks could have caused neighborhood
fires. Similar concerns were expressed following the Magnitude
6.6, 1971 San Fernando earthquake--that a Magnitude 8.4 earthquake
centering on the Palmdale segment of the San Andreas Fault
during a Santa Ana wind could cause numerous fires of the
Bel Air-Brentwood type [4].
In 1995, Los Angeles began requiring a SGSV to be installed
on all gas-serviced new construction and certain remodeled
commercial buildings. Los Angeles uses California's standard,
except that it also requires bracing and has raised the lower
level for tripping from 8% to 20% g horizontal acceleration,
at 1 and 2.5 Hz [5]. The author believes the International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials will add
an appendix soon to the Uniform Plumbing Code that will be
similar to Los Angeles' regulation; and that many cities will
adopt it during the next three years. About 180 mobilehomes
burned due to the Northridge earthquake, prompting California
to consider requiring mobilehome parks to install a SGSV by
the year 1998 (seismic zone 4) or 2000 (seismic zone 3).
Some facilities have connected their SGSV
to other life-safety functions. A Burbank hospital has connected
its SGSV to its fire-alarm system (with a time delay) and
its 2-of-5 logic, propane-gas-sensor system [6]. A
Costa Rica hotel has connected its SGSV to its fire-alarm
system. A building with a fire-suppression system in its kitchen
could shut the fuel off outside while halon is being released
if it connected its system to a SGSV. Some new-home builders
are promoting the use of a SGSV in conjunction with carbon-monoxide
sensors that would not only sound buzzers, but would also
immediately turn off the most likely source of the gas.
Toxic gases
In 1988, the Santa Clara County Fire Chiefs
Association developed a Model Ordinance for Toxic Gas Regulation,
which was added to the Uniform Fire Code as an appendix that
becomes Article 90 when adopted. This regulation requires
seismic shutoff of toxic gases at 30% g or lower horizontal
acceleration, at 2.5 Hz. The regulation was developed partly
in response to the Bhopal disaster to reduce the potential
hazards of toxic-gas releases in Silicon Valley [7],
which include toxic-gas clouds, storm-drain run-off, groundwater
contamination, and extreme fire and explosion hazards [8].
Santa Clara County, its ten cities, and Santa Rosa have adopted
this regulation. Several semiconductor plants have installed
fault-tolerant, 2-of-3 logic systems to minimize the likelihood
of false triggers. It is recommended to use fail-safe systems
capable of shutting off hazardous materials in response not
only to seismic activity, but also to pressure loss, power
loss, excess flow, and nearby leaks [9]. The reprographics
industry has developed a similar standard affecting its members'
ammonia lines.
The trans-Alaska pipeline uses a P-wave detection system
to shut off the flow during strong earthquakes [10].
Many California water districts use seismic shutoff devices
on their distribution lines. East Bay Municipal Utility District
is installing a monitoring and dual-alarm system to monitor
two aboveground concrete reservoirs and control their main
valves; and a monitoring and dual-alarm system with 2-of-3
logic to control two large water mains near their crossings
of the Hayward Fault.
Tokyo Gas uses 31 SGSVs to control its distribution lines
in the Tokyo region [11], where about 1500 blocks were
destroyed by fire following the M 7.8, 1923 Kanto earthquake.
Los Angeles is considering whether to require the local natural-gas
utility to install SGSVs in its distribution lines.
In 1965, Los Angeles began requiring three accelerographs
(i.e., earthquake recorders) to be installed in all buildings
over 6 stories high with an aggregate floor area of at least
60,000 square feet, and in all buildings over ten stories
high--in the basement, midportion, and near the top. In 1967,
the International Conference of Building Officials added an
appendix to the Uniform Building Code similar to Los Angeles'
regulation, except it also requires accelerographs to be maintained.
Many cities have adopted that regulation, with a few notable
exceptions: San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. The USGS
installed and maintained required accelerographs for free
until 1974. Subsequently, many building owners have allowed
their instruments to become inoperative, partly because their
building departments do not enforce the maintenance part of
the provision [12]. In 1982, Los Angeles reduced the
number of required accelerographs to one near the top (other
cities still require three), but required it to be maintained.
Los Angeles is now considering whether to require three again,
because the Northridge earthquake caused widespread damage
to welds in steel-frame buildings, and also because there
have been significant advances in accelerograph technology.
Modern digital instruments are easy to maintain and are accessible
by modem, which would enable building inspectors to have a
set of records with them while making their initial post-earthquake
Because the San Fernando earthquake caused widespread damage
to elevators, in 1975 California began requiring elevators
that travel faster than 150 feet/minute to install either
a seismic switch or a counterweight derail-detection device,
with retrofitting required by 1983. California allows an elevator
seismic switch to trip at 15% g or lower acceleration in any
direction. The seismic switch, usually located on the top
floor, sends a contact closure to the elevator-control system,
which causes operating elevators to proceed to the next floor,
open, and shut-down until reset by a mechanic. California
waives the requirement for a seismic switch if a registered
engineer certifies that the guide system was designed and
built to withstand the same seismic forces as the building;
but recent earthquakes have taught that seismic-safety devices
should always be required because buildings often perform
better than their elevators.
In 1981, an appendix similar to California's regulation was
added to the National Safety Code of Elevators and Escalators,
except it requires a seismic switch and only affects new installations
and major renovations. A study done after the Loma Prieta
earthquake found that the advantage of a seismic switch is
that the required inspection can discover damaged doors, hoistways,
or rails that would not be detected by the alternative "ring-on-a-string"
system unless the counterweight derailed or the system false
triggered. Seismic switches are even more desirable outside
California, where elevator codes do not require retrofitting
About 25 years ago, Japan National Railways installed a system
of seismic switches designed to cut off the power to its Bullet
Train. The system has evolved into a seismic network capable
of providing advance warning roughly proportional to the distance
between the epicenter and the railway. The Teito Rapid Transit
Authority uses a three-station seismic system to stop Tokyo
subways during strong earthquakes [14].
In 1977, the Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority (BART) installed
a seismic switch at each of 8 stations selected based on their
proximity to the San Andreas, Hayward, Calaveras, or Concord
Faults. Each switch will trip an audio alarm in the station-agent's
booth if the acceleration reaches at least 10% g in any direction.
The agent then notifies Central Control, which will radio
train operators to either remain stopped or to proceed slowly
to the next station and unload. Only two of these switches
have ever tripped--both by the Loma Prieta earthquake; nonetheless,
the entire system was inspected for damage before service
was restored [15]. There are no accelerographs in either
of BART's tubes beneath San Francisco Bay, although recording
and analyzing the tubes' motions could prove useful in evaluating
damage following future earthquakes [16]. BART is instrumenting
three new stations with accelerographs that will send two
adjustable alarm levels over BART's SCADA system and also
record vibrations. The final phase of BART's seismic-instrumentation
program would be to connect the seismic signals with the train-control
system, and decide whether to adjust the sensing level or
add more switches [17].
Los Angeles County's Metropolitan Transportation Authority
is installing a monitoring and dual-alarm system in eleven
Red Line Subway Stations. The system was installed in 1995
at two stations scheduled to open this spring. At 10% g or
greater acceleration in any direction, the recorders will
start and the low-level alarms will trigger signals at the
Central Command Facility (CCF), which will notify train operators
to slow down and unload at the next station. At 20% g or greater
acceleration, the high-level alarms will trigger signals at
the CCF, which will notify train operators to slow to a crawl
and stop at the next station; and also turn on large fans
to vent the tunnels of potential gases.
The Skytrain Light Rail Commuter System in Vancouver, Canada,
has 14 seismic sensors that provide two adjustable alarm levels.
The low-level alarm requires the operator to perform certain
emergency procedures. The high-level alarm automatically causes
the system's central computer to initiate emergency procedures;
overriding operator response [18].
The Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority is administering
the construction of Tren Urbano, which will be an urban rail
system with six dual-alarm seismic triggers; three at grade
and three at elevated stations.
In 1981, California's Strong Motion Instrumentation Program
(CSMIP) installed 26 seismic sensors on the Vincent Thomas
Suspension Bridge. Records produced during the Magnitude 5.9,
1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake (centered 25 miles away)
indicated the deck moved about 4 inches vertically during
the shaking [19]. Records produced during the Northridge
earthquake (centered about 35 miles away) showed that the
bridge's motions exceeded those caused by the 1987 earthquake
[20]. Besides certain bridges, CSMIP also monitors
selected buildings, dams, power plants, and utilities as part
of a project begun in 1972 to obtain data for design engineers.
CSMIP releases reports within days or weeks of significant
earthquakes. CSMIP deploys over 400 instruments, but its goal
is 1,015 [21].
Many California dams are seismically instrumented, although
they are not required to be. CSMIP has instrumented several
dams based on size and proximity to active faults, but most
accelerographs on dams were installed by the dams' owners.
It is the responsibility of each dam's owners to do their
own inspections following any earthquake of sufficient magnitude
based on the dam's proximity to the epicenter, although inspectors
from California's Division of Safety of Dams (CDSD) will inspect
all dams within a defined radius of the epicenter following
a large earthquake. Whenever a dam-owners' inspection finds
significant distress, the CDSD will also do an inspection.
Twelve of the 22 dams operated by the CDSD for the California
Water Project have accelerographs; some also have a seismic
trigger connected to shut down water flow [22].
Los Angeles County Public Works is instrumenting the Devil's
Gate Dam in Pasadena with a central recorder and three triaxial
accelerometers as part of a rehabilitation project. The Metropolitan
Water District will be instrumenting three dams that will
be built during the next several years near Hemet, California,
with over a dozen accelerographs.
Nuclear-power plants
All nuclear-power plants in the United States have earthquake
monitors. Most of these plants have already replaced their
analog instruments with digital systems. Some now use systems
that automatically calculate the values necessary to determine
whether a plant can remain in operation; a decision that must
be made within four hours.
Real-time seismology
In 1990, Caltech and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began
upgrading the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) to
broadcast reports via pagers to subscribers within 5 minutes
of an earthquake, alerting them to the magnitude, location,
and time. When the Northridge earthquake occurred, there were
18 subscribers (government agencies, utilities, and railways)
to CUBE (Caltech-USGS Broadcast of Earthquakes). Due to hardware
and software problems, CUBE was unable to provide information
during the first hour; nonetheless, a study to assess the
value of CUBE's Northridge data to its subscribers indicates
that it was still the first data upon which actions were taken.
In 1995, California-wide broadcasts became available through
the cooperation of CUBE and REDI (UC Berkeley's Rapid Earthquake
Data Integration), and are being used by California's Office
of Emergency Services, Caltrans, and utilities and railways
with statewide responsibilities. CUBE subscribers now have
software that maps the ground-acceleration data broadcast
by the SCSN in real time [23].
Mexico City operates the world's only public real-time warning
system, which provided 72 seconds of warning before vibrations
arrived from the Magnitude 7.2, 1995 Ometepec earthquake.
Only minor damage occurred in Mexico City, although there
was considerable damage near the epicenter [24].
Other applications
Seismic switches are also used for annunciators, cranes,
lockdown facilities, generators, mainframe computers, conveyors,
pumps, saws, presses, and electrical services for buildings.
Over a dozen California schools have connected a seismic switch
to an annunciator that will repeatedly broadcast the message
"Duck, cover, and hold!" over their P.A. system. Similar systems
are used in many large buildings in Tokyo. Under certain conditions,
these types of systems can be triggered by the initial P wave
of a damaging earthquake and provide a warning before the
arrival of the usually more damaging S waves, which travel
slower. Although prone to false triggers, warning systems
have great potential for enhancing safety by making it possible
to provide a few seconds for people to take precautions, such
as ducking under a desk or moving away from machinery.
The past 20 years have seen many improvements in seismic
monitoring and actuation technology, which have greatly increased
the ability of emergency managers and design engineers to
decrease the risks from earthquakes to life, property, and
commerce. The public has already benefitted in many ways that
they are unaware of, including the reduction of the risk from
fire following earthquake, and the use of seismic data in
evacuation decisions for highrises and also for neighborhoods
below dams and regions surrounding nuclear-power plants. As
the 1990s are the International Decade for Natural Disaster
Reduction, the author expects this trend will continue.
1. |
Dewey, J., and Byerly, P., 1969, The early history of seismometry (to 1906): Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 59, pp. 183--227. |
2. |
Strand, C. L., 1988, A catalog of post-earthquake gas leaks and related incidents, with a review of the case for mandating earthquake gas shutoff valves: Unpub. ms., 58 pp. |
3. |
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4. |
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5. |
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6. |
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7. |
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app. |
8. |
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Hazardous materials problems in earthquakes: Background
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p. 97. |
9. |
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Oakland, p. 44. |
10. |
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Press, Washington, D. C., 52 pp. |
11. |
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12. |
Siegel, G. W., 1989, Earthquake
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13. |
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14. |
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15. |
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16. |
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ed., Loma Prieta earthquake reconnaissance report: Earthquake
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17. |
Burns, J. S., 1978, Seismic
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18. |
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mitigation, in Gould, P. L., ed., Proceedings,
1993 National Earthquake Conference: Central United States
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19. |
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Winter, 3 pp. |
20. |
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21. |
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active earthquake locations: California Consulting Engineer,
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22. |
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23. |
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24. |
Todd, D., 1995, Mexico City's
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